If you choose the right type of flooring, you can enhance and transform the look of the room, something which many people often overlook can change the whole appeal and style of a home. Although wood flooring is easier to maintain and clean, nothing screams luxury like the feel of a sumptuous carpet beneath your feet. With our full stocked carpet showroom in Farnham, Lloyd Marsden are able to provide you with a selection of fantastic quality carpet.
If you take a look at our website, you will find some of the projects we have undertaken and maybe find inspiration for your project. In addition to carpeting, we also offer other services, including vinyl and wood flooring, carpentry and specialist carpeting. If you are interested and want to find out what our customers are saying, feel free to take a look through our testimonials.
To get in touch to discuss the options for your flooring, you can reach us on 01252 852 220 or alternatively, you can complete the form on our website and we will get back to you. Alternatively pop along to our carpet showroom in Farnham and we will be happy to help.